Outline for Initial PNC Pastor Seeking Interview

Prior to the interview come to agreement on the type of experience, education, style of leadership, and other key factors you are looking for in candidates. Spelling this out on a rating sheet ahead of time.

Begin the interview by making introductions and opening with prayer.

Questions to consider when conducting an initial interview:

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Seek Recommendations for PNC

Once the criteria for serving on the Pastor Nominating have established by the nominating body it's time to seek recommendations of individuals to serve on the PNC.  Inviting the congregation to make recommendations helps members feel engaged in the process of calling their next pastor. Here's a possible format:

The session is seeking recommendations of individuals to serve in the Pastor Nominating Committee. Here are the criteria:

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Establish Nominating Process, Criteria, and Attributes for Serving on the PNC

Determine how a slate of candidates to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee will be selected. The current nominating committee of congregation may be tasked with this role.  The session ruling elders may also play a role. Ultimately the congregation will elect and commission the PNC. Establish the criteria for nomination and the number of candidates you plan to commission. The size of a PNC depends in part on the size of the congregation and if you plan to elect alternates or not. Decide how the chair and other roles will be determined.

Criteria to consider:

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