Seek Recommendations for PNC

Once the criteria for serving on the Pastor Nominating have been established by the nominating body you may wish to seek recommendations from the congregation.

A possible format:

We are seeking recommendations from the congregation of people to serve in the Pastor Nominating Committee.

  • An appropriate mix of newer and older members, 

  • A representative mix of ages, genders, ministry involvement

  • At least one member of session may serve

  • Spouses of session members may not serve

  • Members of the most recent Associate Pastor Nominating Committee may not serve

  • Current staff and their spouses may not serve

    I, ________________(print name), recommend ________________ to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee because [list attributes, skills, and ministry involvement, etc.] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ____ I have spoken with this person and they are willing to be considered.