Finding Courage in Chaotic Times an (extra-)Ordinary Time series
Courage in Chaos series outline
Leadership succession in the Bible from Elijah to Elisha: a series in 1 and 2 Kings
A seven-week sermon series for Ordinary Time
It feels as if we’re facing a season of unprecedented challenge, does it not? As our nation struggles to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic, and heads toward a divisive Presidential election, we need to find courage in the midst of these chaotic times. This series outline may be useful to adapt to difficult seasons in ministry such as anticipated or unanticipated leadership succession. The sermon passages chosen from 1 and 2 Kings examine crucial aspects of the life of Elijah and reveal God’s provision in the transition of leadership from Elijah to Elisha. Key theme: in the midst of the frustrations and failures of life, God is at work. Chaos does not mean God is absent. Look closely, see God’s provision through presence and hospitality, through women and communal response to need.
In the Hebrew Scriptures the book of Kings [1 & 2 Kings] brings readers from the glory of Solomon’s temple to its end in burning ruble. While there are bright moments, it is a picture of division, decline, and downward spiral ending in Nebuchadnezzar’s siege of Jerusalem. Just when it appears as if the story is over, a new future begins to open. God’s purposes are never thwarted. God’s people and history move forward. Reading Kings helps us trudge onward during painful and grinding seasons of life.
Week Twenty of Ordinary Time
1 Kings 17:8-16 Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. (Rev. Shari Jackson Monson, ‘But First Make Me A Little Cake’, Oct 13, 2019)
Week Twenty-One of Ordinary Time
1 Kings 18:20-40 Elijah’s Triumph over the Prophets of Baal. (Guest Preacher Shilpa Barrey of Equip Asia, ‘Biblical Leadership”, Oct 20, 2019.)
Week Twenty-Two of Ordinary Time
1 Kings 19:1-10 Elijah Flees Jezebel (Rev. Shari Jackson Monson, ‘From Taunting to Dashing Prophet’, Oct 27, 2019)
Week Twenty-Three of Ordinary Time
1 Kings 19:9-18 Elijah before the face of God (Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Keith Tanis, ‘Be Still My Soul’, Nov 3, 2019)
Week Twenty-Four of Ordinary Time
1 Kings 19:19-21 Elisha Becomes Elijah’s Disciple (Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Keith Tanis, ‘ Vocation: the Plow, the Parents, and the Pot Roast Dinner’, Nov 10, 2019)
Week Twenty-Five of Ordinary Time
2 Kings 2:1-15, and Luke 11:9-13 Elisha (Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Keith Tanis, ‘A Double Portion of Your Spirit’, Nov 17, 2019)
Week Twenty-Six of Ordinary Time Christ the King Sunday
2 Kings 2:13-18 Elisha Succeeds Elijah (Rev. Dr. Jon Saur, ‘He Picked Up the Mantle of Elijah’, Nov 24, 2019)
Notes on Kings: 1 & 2 Kings [Kings] shows what revival looks like - while the book of Acts looks like Kingdom spring forward, the unique contribution of Kings is to aid in our understanding of reformation and revival among the people of God. Kings was an important book to the Protestant reformers. Here we see what it looks like when God brings revival of true religion after decades and even centuries of decadence, especially Jehoash’s repairing the temple 2 Kings 11-12 and Josiah’s reforms 2 Kings 22-23.
Looking toward Advent from Kings: God’s people need an end to the repeated cycles of unfaithfulness and judgement. God’s people need a Savior King. How grateful we are that Jesus comes. How deep is our need once again to enter Advent seeking the hope, peace, joy, and love of God incarnate, with us, for the sake of the world’s great need.
See also: Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, John 1:21, James 5:17.
Resources for Understanding 1 & 2 Kings
Videos The Bible Project Overview Video: 1 & 2 Kings, a free 9 minutes video suitable for all ages. The Communal Reading of Scripture videos on 1 & 2 Kings with Dr. Scott Cormode, Fuller Seminary.
Bible Studies 1&2 Kings Study Book, by She Reads Truth/ He Reads Truth
Books Invitation to Solitude and Silence-Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence, by Ruth Haley Barton (specific focus 1 Kings 19), Forward by Dallas Willard, IVP Press, 2010.
Commentaries Interpretation Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching on First and Second Kings, by Richard Nelson, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series 1 & 2 Kings, by Iain W. Provan, Word Biblical Commentary 1 Kings by Simon J. DeVries, Word Biblical Commentary 2 Kings by T. R. Hobbs
Podcasts Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership with Ruth Haley Barton, Season 5 ‘Invitation to Solitude and Silence’ looks at the life and ministry of Elijah.
This sermon series was preached in the fall of 2019 at John Knox Presbyterian Church in Seattle, WA. The subsequent series in Advent looked at John the Baptist in each Gospel, followed by a Gospel of Mark series from Christmas Week Two through Pentecost 2020. Special thanks to the guest preacher Rev. Keith Tanis who served a supply pastor and encourager in this interim ministry season. Keith is also a popular guest post author on interim ministry leadership.
Reading Kings helps us trudge onward during painful and grinding seasons of life. About this image: photographer Mathias Jenson, Aug 7, 2020. With thanks.