Blessing for a Pastor going on Sabbatical

A Sabbatical Blessing

Session Elder: We believe God works in the lives of those who love him, using all things for God's glory. We trust that in this sabbatical time, God will be at work in the lives of [pastor and family], and the lives of the people of this church, using all things for our good and God's glory. We entrust you and your family to God's care, for God's good works, and rich blessings.

Pastor: During this sabbatical time, I eagerly look forward to seeing how God will be at work in the life of this congregation, in my own life, and the life of my family. And so, I entrust you, the congregation [of said church], to God's care, for God's good works, and rich blessings.

Congregation: With joy, we will remember you in our hearts for these [many] months, praying that God will refresh you in body, renew you in mind, and refill your hearts with the depths of God's love for you.

Pastor: With joy, I will remember you in my heart for these [many] months, praying God will bless you with creativity and fill your hearts with His love for you. And knowing the depth of that love, may you continue to bring the truth of God's work, and a demonstration of Jesus' love to people our community [in said place].

Time of prayer for Pastor and his/her family

Sabbatical Pastor*: Whether together or during a time apart, this church body faithfully serves our God with compassion, energy, creatively and love. Let us now, in a unified voice, offer a prayer of commitment and faith to Jesus Christ, and to the work of God in our lives and in our world.

[In unison]:

Almighty God, 

Draw our hearts to you, 

Guide our minds and fill our imaginations, 

Control our wills, so that we may be wholly yours. 

Use us as you will, always to your glory, and the welfare of your people, 

Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

*Sabbatical Pastor is the one serving the congregation while the installed pastor is away on sabbatical.